
From Here To There

Portfolio & Bio

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Art Therapy

In 1987, somewhere in the midst after being released from college with a degree in painting and awaiting a world that had not quite yet embraced my work, I enrolled in a class called Art Therapy and Human Development. As it turned out it became my therapy and my development. To this day I believe my art has always been a  form of self therapy.


Creative Journal Arts

A classic approach to pastel painting is working from a monotype underpainting. Here I created a monotype using photo reference. It was done in a burnt sienna focusing on texture variations. The next stage was pastel washes. Broad strokes of color liquefied with water (or 91% alcohol). This is now my starting point for my pastel application.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

A New Class Starting in March


Monotype - Creative Printmaking Without a Press
 8 Seats Available

Monotype - Creative Printmaking Without a Press




3/16/2023 to 4/20/2023

Discounts & Other Fees:
 Fee $89.00.   $5 Resident Discount
  • Laura Gorian

Meeting Times

  • Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Monotypes do not require a press. We will explore the unique impressions created by combining techniques and materials to achieve creative spontaneous prints. Open to seasoned artists and beginners alike.

Additional Notes

There is a $15 material fee payable to the Instructor at the first class.

Many supplies will be included in the materials package supplied at the beginning of class. You will need to pick up a few necessary supplies that we will review at the beginning of class.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

 PURE PIGMENT: Exploring the Versatility of Pastel

Mystic Museum of Art

Explore the versatile medium of pastels. With the vibrancy of pure pigment, pastels create painterly images through drawing techniques. Learn mark-making practices and pastel painting fundamentals, as well as advanced methods. This class is for anyone wanting to explore and create! No prior art training is necessary. This class is open to either chalk pastels or oil pastels.

5-week Series

Wednesdays, 6pm – 8:30pm  

March 29 – April 26                                                                                                                        

Ages: Youth and Adults

Members $210 / Non-Members $250